Oliver Gilbert - Associate Partner.

From the rugby field to the boardroom, Oliver's journey has always been driven by a passion for strategy and problem-solving. As the Owner and Managing Director of two thriving industrial companies and an advisor and board member of LBO Corporation PLC, Oliver's professional story is
one of growth, resilience, and teamwork.

In 2022, Oliver took a bold step and acquired East Anglian Fine Weld (EAFW), a company in distress. It was a challenging period, but through strategic decision-making and a deep commitment to understanding the core issues, he managed to turn the tide. Today, EAFW is flourishing, having grown by 60%, and boasts a strong management team that drives the company forward. Every job was retained, and the company’s spirit was revitalised.

The success with EAFW fuelled his ambition to expand further. In December 2023, Oliver acquired PTFE Applied Coatings. Currently, he is immersed in building a dedicated team and accelerating the company's growth, using the lessons learned from his previous ventures.

Oliver's approach is simple: stand on the shoulders of giants. He believes in learning from the best, understanding problems deeply to find effective solutions, and fostering a collaborative environment. These principles have been the bedrock of his career.

Beyond the business world, Oliver is an avid rugby fan. The sport's values of teamwork, strategy, and perseverance resonate with his professional ethos and continually inspire him.

The goal is always to keep things professional but friendly. By creating a collaborative environment and leading with a clear vision, everyone is encouraged to grow and innovate. The aim is to make sure everyone feels empowered to contribute and succeed together.




David Green Echo Eight Consulting

Oliver Gilbert

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